101 Guide to Building LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

With six degrees of separation (remember, people are six or fewer social connections away from each other) and ever-larger professional audiences, establishing a LinkedIn marketing strategy that hits your goals gains traction.
How come?
Whatever business you are running, your customer base is already on LinkedIn.
This guide is designed to help you make the first steps in crafting a sure-fire LinkedIn marketing strategy that lets you capture the targeted niche and grow your ROI.
Let’s dive right into it.
Key Elements When Building LinkedIn Marketing Strategy
What do people do on LinkedIn?
They establish connections, generate leads, improve brand awareness, share insights, foster professional relations, create brand awareness, and drive traffic to the targeted URLs.
Here are the key elements that will get you started:
Complete Your LinkedIn Profile
First things first. Let’s assume your brand already owns a LinkedIn profile. While it won’t take you long to create one if you don’t, make sure to complete the details in full. This social network has a highly intuitive onboarding process, and you are likely to see a variety of hints on what to do to achieve that successfully.
Nonetheless, you should pay special attention to:
- Adjusting your page URL. To achieve that, in the upper-right corner, switch to the admin view. Next, under the page banner, click the Edit Page button. In the left pane of the popup window, under Header, click Page info, and then adjust the LinkedIn public URL in the corresponding field.
- Adding a cover and logo. Like in the case of any social network, a logo and cover with a slogan are a vital part of building brand identity. Logo dimensions for LinkedIn are either 100 x 60 pixels or 50 x 50 pixels. The cover is recommended to be 1584 х 396 pixels.
- Pitching the company description. Whatever content you publish on LinkedIn should be coherent and straight-to-the-point. Think out the wording that describes your brand the best.
Use Your Business Page as a Lead Magnet
Now that you have an eye-candy LinkedIn profile set up, it’s time to think of the details:
- What will be the tone of voice in your content?
- How often will you make posts? What about comments, surveys, likes, and shares,?
- Will you reach out to other users?
- Are you planning to join relevant professional groups?
Success requires consistency. You’ll need to write down answers to these and a host of other questions to frame a plan.
Publish Valuable Content as per Schedule
Content remains the king. No matter how catchy your visuals are, if your posts’ content is not relevant and does not bring value to the reader, they’ll swipe up.
Unlike other social networks, LinkedIn content must not be personal or casual. It should be compelling, insightful, and focused on professional development.
Try LinkedIn Advertising
Ad campaigns are a tried and tested means to boost the discoverability of your activities. LinkedIn has been actively improving its advertising possibilities lately.
Currently, it’s possible to choose from one of the following LinkedIn advertising solutions:
- Sponsored content. Displayed in the LinkedIn feed, such ads help generate more leads by reaching the right audience.
- Sponsored in-mail ads. They allow promoting your products or services by sending personal messages to decision-makers.
- Video ads. Video content stays trendy and helps generate more leads.
- Dynamic ads. These are personalized ads that are found the best to increase follower count and engagement and drive conversions.
- Carousel ads. Such ads display a series of visual cards and are the best to showcase the catalog.
- Objective-based ads. Such ads get displayed following specific business goals, such as lead generation, conversions, job applications, etc.
Hold the Key to LinkedIn Metrics
Gone are the days when decisions were based on some gut feeling or subjectivity. LinkedIn boasts performance analytics tools to help you measure how well your campaigns are doing.
You should keep track of the following metrics:
- Conversion
- Leads generation
- Demographics
- Followers
Besides, post analytics allow you to access data on:
- Organic discovery: impressions and unique impressions
- Organic engagement: clicks, CTR, reactions, comments, and shares.
If LinkedIn is not yet one of your marketing channels, it’s time to take a break and reflect on the business opportunities you are already missing.
LinkedIn groups, communities, ads, content marketing campaigns, and lead generation are just some of the basic marketing shticks this social network offers.
Have time or staff constraints? Like in the case of other social networks, there are LinkedIn marketing strategy automation tools — such as Linked Helper — that will do the job for you without significant time, budget, or staff expenditures.
Now that you know the basics, it’s time to put your knowledge into action.