6 Islamic Dating Rules You Need to Know

Dating remains the best way to get to know someone you are interested in and is, therefore, a crucial step when deciding if you want to be with a person or not. Every dating experience is different as everyone has different personalities and beliefs, and many people date according to their religion or culture. If you are interested in dating a Muslim man or woman, you will need to understand a few things about how dating is framed in their religion and culture. You will also need to learn a few rules that may not necessarily apply to other religions.
You Should Be Mature and Old Enough To Date
While there is no set age for which one is allowed to start dating in Islam, prominence is placed on one’s maturity. You should not only be mentally mature to start dating, but you should also be ready for the responsibilities that come with having a partner.
Young Muslims can start dating around puberty, but it is a lot more common to see modem Muslim young men and women dating around the ages of 17 to 18. This young age is encouraged so they can get married before they are tempted to have sex outside marriage.
Always Intend To Find A Partner
There are numerous religions where people are allowed to date for fun or to cure loneliness. Islam is very different as young men and women are encouraged to only date with the right intention of finding a partner. This is the partner that you will marry and who you will spend the rest of your life with.
A common challenge on dating apps happens where non-Muslims are not able to make their intentions known and clear, leading to some confusion. For serious Muslims looking for life-long partners, there are Muslim dating sites reviewed on Top10 that remove all this complexity and make things a lot easier.
Understand The Basic Islamic Principles
It is almost impossible to respect your partner’s religion if you do not at least understand its principles. If you are thinking of dating a Muslim, you have to understand the principles of Islam. Some of these principles include believing Allah to be the only God, following teachings of the Qur’an, following practices of expressing their faith such as praying five times a day, eating foods that are halal, and staying away from haram.
No Premarital Sex
It is generally accepted that if you get married, you will have babies. However, this is a topic that should never come up when you are dating. Fornication (Zina, sex before marriage) is strictly forbidden and many young people struggle with this because of the world we live in now.
If you are struggling with this, spend some time in prayer and talk to an elderly person for guidance.
Another rule you need to know about that is tied to this is that you should avoid talking about sex. It is important to keep your hearts and minds pure when dating, and this is why this is not allowed. All talk about sex and any type of intimacy is forbidden because it means your hearts and minds will not be pure when you get married. This applies to all private and public conversations and settings.
All Dates Require a Chaperone
This is one of the rules that confuses a lot of people who are not Muslims. You cannot go on a date with a Muslim partner without a chaperone. This is typically a family member from the man’s or lady’s family who controls how the date goes. Their primary job is to reduce sexual tension and temptation during a date due to the rules surrounding sex, sex talk, and temptation when dating.
This rule is often not followed by those living in countries where Islam is not the predominant religion, although bringing friends and people they trust on the date and avoiding sex talk is often adhered to.
Be Patient With Your Proposal
During the dating phase, it is easy to form deep emotional connections with a partner and want to express these feelings physically. This leads to a lot of people rushing a proposal so they can finally have sex.
It is important to not rush the proposal and wait until you are sure that the person you are dating is the right one for you. Even when dating with intention, it is still possible to find out that the person is not right for you, and you do not want to find this out after you have broken rules surrounding sex and marriage.
It can be confusing for a non-Muslim person to begin dating a Muslim person. However, things can go very well if you learn the Islamic rules surrounding dating and related topics. The rules we have discussed above at just the basics, and you can talk to your Muslim partner about the other rules you need to know about.