6 Ways Digital Marketing Managers Can Increase Reach

It is often said that if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, the tree effectively did not fall. The fallen tree philosophical thought experiment is somewhat analogous to the observer effect as exhibited in the famous double-slit physics experiment.
In short, if no one is around to observe something, it is as though it never occurred. This axiom is also applicable to digital marketing including CTV advertising. Fail to reach your target audience or fail to maximize your reach and the money, time and effort you invest in marketing will be in vain.
Expand Your Digital Marketing Reach Through SEO
Search engine optimization has changed in recent years yet it is still important for expanding digital marketing reach. Recognize the fluidity of search engine algorithms, respond accordingly through strategic pivoting and your online content will steer web surfers in your direction. It is important to implement SEO throughout the following:
- Homepage
- Service pages
- Blog
- Social media
Good SEO gradually moves web content toward the first page of the SERPs. SERP is an acronym that stands for ‘search engine results page.’ As an example, it is in your interest to incorporate the following local identifiers throughout your content to help locals find your content:
- Zip code
- Area code
- City name
- Street names
- Neighborhood names
It is also in your interest to add keywords and key phrases relevant to your industry and niche to narrowly target web sleuths in search of your unique value offering. Resist the temptation to inundate your content with a litany of keywords/key phrases and you’ll succeed in hitting the sweet spot of keyword saturation.
Engage in Dialogue
Expanding your digital marketing reach is that much easier if you are wiling to invest the time and effort necessary to communicate with your target audience through a constructive dialogue. Respond to social media comments and questions. Engage in live question and answer sessions through Facebook and YouTube live video streams. Make it clear that your company embraces reciprocal discourse and it won’t take long for word to spread about your products, services and reputation.
Educate Your Audience
Half the battle of digital marketing is communicating the merit of the value offering, be it a product or service. You can expand your digital marketing reach through constructive instruction, albeit informally.
Connect with new customers through blog posts that inform and educate, post guest blog posts to other blogs and your audience will expand in due time. More importantly, those exposed to your online content will develop a meaningful understanding of your value proposition, meaning they will understand how your product/service solves a problem at home, work or elsewhere in an efficient manner.
Build an Email Subscriber List
Include an email subscription signup form on your homepage, social media and other components of your internet footprint at the earliest opportunity. Though collecting names, email addresses and other contact information through online forms might not lead to an influx of sales, it will keep those interested parties in the loop, potentially, indefinitely. Recognize the opportunity that is email marketing, carefully take advantage of it through concise emails personalized to each subscriber and they’ll read, or at least skim, through the content.
Utilize a Loss Leader
In the context of business, a loss leader is a product or service sold at a discount or given away for free in an attempt to bring target customers into the fold. Providing interested prospects with a no-cost whitepaper, eBook, freebie or discount is a temporary financial setback yet it has the potential to be recouped exponentially as time progresses.
Dangle the loss leader before your target audience, whet their appetite and they’ll be back for more. Keep in mind, providing something for free such as a newsletter, helpful checklist or electronic book isn’t actually cost-free on your end as an investment of time, labor and resources is necessary to create and transmit loss leaders.
Use Social Media for New Age Guerilla Marketing
It wasn’t long ago when bands and even some businesses used their fans/street teams as guerilla marketers. Guerilla marketing street teams passed out flyers, promotional CDs, free memorabilia and other items to generate buzz.
Though street marketing teams still exist, the vast majority of marketing has shifted to the digital realm on the web or other mediums like OTT advertising. As an example, strategically implementing hashtags throughout your company’s Twitter account will guide online sleuths toward your social media posts. Implement such hashtags relevant to your company, niche, industry and audience, add strategic guest blog posts to other corners of the internet and it won’t take long for interested prospects to find your business on the web.