A Strong Blog Name Is A Key To Success

If you have ever thought about creating a blog and your goal is to have it be successful, there are key elements you need to have in place. Every great blog shares common characteristics. Captivating graphics and compelling content are two of them. What’s even more important is what you will call your blog. A successful blog game starts with a strong name.
If you are open to different ideas and considering a blog name suggestion (or several), it can be difficult to settle on what name might work best for your blog. However, choosing one that works is one of the key elements of producing a blog that will be a strong contender for a top spot in the competitive blogosphere. Here are some guidelines for choosing a blog name.
Descriptive Titles
A blog name should reflect the overall essence of the blog. Whether the topic is about fashion, food, or fun, naming your blog should point directly to its spirit. That’s why you may want a blog name to be more descriptive than simply plain-stated.
However, how you describe the blog should rely on a few factors. Those include:
- What is the nature of the blog?
- Is it personal or business-based?
- Is it anonymous or is your name tied to it?
Successful blogs have personalities and that should be reflected in your blog’s name.
Naming An Identity
As much as a blog should have a personality, it should also have an identity. Whereas personality is all about the description of the blog, an identity encompasses a unique set of traits that defines a blog.
The identity of a blog sets a tone for your content and your audience. So, when thinking about blog names, you may want to ask yourself about the “who” of want you want your blog to be. Does your intended blog have a firm purpose or is it a slice-of-life space to relate to others with like-minded interests and lives? The name of your blog should also incorporate its identity, if possible.
If you’ve noticed a trend that good blogs are almost personified, you’re not wrong. Successful blogs take on virtual lives through their creators. Yet, it’s also a hook for readers. Dedicated blog readers look forward to blogs like a routine cup of coffee. A name with a strong identity allows readers to personalize the blog for themselves.
Embrace Clever Wording
Blog names are basically titles. So, using clever wording when naming it is always a bonus. There are various tools that successful blog owners use when naming their blogs. Some include:
- Alliteration
- Acronyms
- Puns
- Inspiration from popular art, such as books, movies, or paintings
- Name generators (such as Namify)
Finding a clever name for your blog means using your creativity. So, get in touch with your inner artist and play around with some possible titles. The good news is that you will eventually come up with a name for your blog. Using some of these tools can help you land on a blog title that sets your blog up for success.