Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance

Technology is omnipresent in all production, operations and supply chain management stages worldwide. Conventional systems are cumbersome to use and expensive. You can check to get an automated trading experience by accessing the best-in-class trading bots and trading strategies. A new technology, Bitcoin, has emerged with the potential to revolutionize this sector like no other technology previously conceived.
This paper explores the economics of Bitcoin with particular emphasis on its technology and governance aspects. It is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money concept. Bitcoin represents an open-source project based on a credit system whereby users can download Bitcoin software for free, allowing them to transact Bitcoins.
Overview of bitcoin:
The Bitcoin system has been designed in such a way that it operates as an automated decentralized monetary system requiring minimal government regulation. This peer-to-peer technology and currency issuance system is similar to self-regulating and managing the Internet Protocol (IP). It enables network nodes to identify and share information, irrespective of their geographic location or affiliation.
The Bitcoin protocol is a distributed, highly resilient peer-to-peer system for managing transactions over an electronic medium without any central authority or intermediaries. Bitcoin has been described as “a techno tour de force” and is considered one of the most significant technological achievements since the Internet.
Economics of bitcoin:
Bitcoin is a unique innovation in the history of money. It is the first decentralized digital currency based on cryptography and P2P technology without a central person or organization to manage it and no physical support like paper money. Wei Dai originally proposed the concept of a decentralized peer-to-peer network for managing transactions on the cypherpunks mailing list in 1998.
Then Nick Szabo described the virtual currency “bit gold” in 2007, which would use a precursor to cryptographic protocols are known as a blockchain to maintain a shared transaction database, but this did not fully implement the transfer and recording of ownership interest. Finally, Nakamoto described Bitcoin in the October 2008 issue of the cryptographer’s newsletter “Sezgin” as an implementation of a concept known as the “Ricardian contract.”
The value of a bitcoin is not necessarily tied to any fiat currency and can fluctuate as often as computers conspire to manipulate the blockchain. But, because Bitcoin is based on open source and decentralized technologies, no one can control Bitcoin. Therefore, no government controls it or can influence its price or supply. Instead, the global price is based on market forces and the prevailing exchange rate between other currencies (like USD) across all exchanges that trade bitcoins. A similar thing happens with gold; its price depends on everything from demand to supply.
Transactions and the Block Chain:
There is no tangible support for bitcoins, but that does not mean they have no value. The opposite is true. Before anything else, users should note that Bitcoin is a concept designed as an incentive and reward system for providing the necessary work required to execute and operate a distributed forwarding system (Internet Protocol) over a P2P Internet architecture.
Within certain limits and with the right incentives, this design can scale to almost any size imaginable with zero or minimal cost. Bitcoin transactions are made possible by the underlying technology of blockchain and its related distributed ledger systems, which regulate transactions and manage ownership records and activity verifications.
Bitcoin’s Approach to Transaction Flow and Validation:
Three distinct layers of permissioned databases (blockchain) are utilized within Bitcoin’s P2P architecture. At the highest level of this hierarchy, referred to as the blockchain, each node is an independent server which maintains a full copy of the public ledger. The blockchain contains all confirmed transactions and ownership information. In addition, new transactions are checked against previous transactions to prevent double-spending and other fraud.
The blockchain also contains new bitcoins that can be released through mining or minting. As each block is completed, 6.25 new bitcoins are added to the total supply (approximately every 10 minutes).
The technology of bitcoin:
Bitcoin is an open-source technology for managing transactions over a peer-to-peer network. For the first time in the currency market, Bitcoin software has created a system for electronic payments that is entirely decentralized and global. Based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, it works without a central repository or single administrator and has been designed to have its transactions confirmed by miners.
Governance of bitcoin:
Bitcoin is not a company, and it is a global entity. It is governed by open-source software and a peer-to-peer network that provides the electronic currency and payment network. Multiple organizations or firms are accountable for Bitcoin’s overall performance and well-being, but individuals involved in Bitcoin’s development and mining are also significantly involved in its governance. But by nature, bitcoin is entirely decentralized, depending upon no government body.