Cannabis and chemotherapy

Cannabis helps relieve some of the symptoms associated with chemotherapy by helping the body fight the growth of cancer cells.
Cancer is a life-threatening disease that scares many people. That is why there is so much research and scientific testing.
Many cancer patients are thrilled when they discover that weeds delivery saves them from side effects. For example, nausea occurs during chemotherapy. There are already many examples that show the positive effect of cannabis on the course of the disease.
The idea is not that cannabis cures cancer. A combination of cannabis and chemotherapy is discussed here to minimize the effects of radiation on a cancer patient. So, let’s find out why you can and should combine both treatment options.
During chemotherapy, patients experience a range of unpleasant symptoms, from dizziness to nausea and vomiting. Cancer patients need chemotherapy. Radiation kills cancer cells in the body. However, the side effects often make it a terrible experience.
Patients need additional medications to combat side effects and symptoms so they can get chemotherapy without feeling very ill.
First, cannabis helps relieve some of the symptoms associated with chemo!
It also plays a supportive role in helping the body fight the growth of cancer cells.
Some patients are often concerned about the combination of “cannabis and chemotherapy”. Do they wonder if they should smoke, chew, or consume in other ways?
How to use cannabis during chemotherapy
Indeed, foreign oncologists are against patients smoking cannabis if the patient has cancer or another serious lung disease. But some prefer their patients to smoke cannabis because cannabinoids enter the body and bloodstream much faster.
Interestingly, cannabis is a bronchodilator, which means that instead of compressing the lungs, it expands them, which means that it will not cause more harm to the patient. However, if you have a lung problem, you will need to weigh the pros and cons before you start smoking.
The option allows the patient to inhale cannabinoids, eliminating cannabis combustion products from entering the lungs. You don’t burn cannabis, you just heat it up to a certain temperature, releasing only the cannabinoids you need.
Cannabis and chemotherapy
Patients who do not like to “smoke” cannabis will enjoy this method more because it is good for the lungs and convenient. You can use this option to prevent others from knowing that you are taking cannabis. After all, there is no characteristic smell!
Cannabis can also be chewed in cases where the patient is unwilling or unable to smoke or vape. People have been chewing marijuana for centuries as a medicine, so this is not a new idea. However, don’t worry, you won’t get the euphoria from chewing raw marijuana; you may want to consider eating it in other forms, such as tinctures, and edibles Vancouver gummies.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy can also take cannabis sublingually, which happens when the medication is placed under the tongue. This approach produces results faster, but you must make sure you have the correct dosage before using this approach.