Demarcation of parking lots: safety and traffic

Starting a parking business is a passion project for many entrepreneurs. However, before you start, it is essential to develop a detailed business plan.
This type of document offers the opportunity to implement the long-term growth strategy of your parking business, through which you will analyze the following concepts: the expected budget, competitive advantages, expected business volume, or performance indicators, without forgetting about future profits from your parking business. These are just a few examples. There are many aspects to consider in planning a parking business, but in this article, we will discuss two things; safety and traffic. Why? For many business people in the field of parking lots, these two parameters are the parameters that most determine the continuity of their business. At least that is the result of our interview with them. But what is a parking lot?
A parking lot is a space that requires measures to control the flow of traffic of cars, people, and other units. Drivers often have to maneuver in tight spaces, and ramps and even park in a space that is not necessarily ideal. On this occasion, we want to highlight the importance of demarcation in a parking lot and how much it can contribute to improving the order and safety of users. The demarcation should be included when we create a parking lot maintenance checklist.
A parking lot must have demarcated arrows and lines with the directions of the roads, the parking spaces, the enumeration, the rigid zones, and the demarcation of the separations or columns is also important. It should also be considered to demarcate the pedestrian route, widely used, especially by shopping centers.
In case you do not want to have damage to walls, or foundations or that there are no collisions between cars that are one in front of the other, we recommend placing “wheel stops” and “column protectors”. In the following image, you can appreciate the use of these devices.
Continuing with the importance of the demarcation, below we introduce you to a space that yes, or if it should be present in a parking lot, is the demarcation for the disabled. It works the same as in the streets, for the exclusive use of people with some type of disability.
Another demarcation that is very useful in parking lots is numbering, both for users and for space managers. Depending on the need, it is possible to make numbers more prominent than others. Car spaces can be listed as well as parking numbers.
Always remember that a parking lot is a small space, therefore it is recommended to slow down considerably. Many times some users do not understand it that way, which is why it is necessary to also place a spring breaker.
These are some things related to the demarcation of a parking lot and parks outdoor maintenance in general. In the end, it is important to make a stadium of each space before defining the security measures to be taken.