How Much Impact Will The Rising Cost Of Living Have On The Australian Federal Election?

It is no secret that the cost of living in Australia is not an easy one to manage for the average taxpayer. As time goes on, prices of everything from fuel to rent continue to rise, with shortages causing even more increases around the country of late. This makes it hard for the working class to try to continue to make ends meet and provide for their families and has raised many questions in the lead up to this year’s federal election as to how the government plans to assist the people.
Both main parties are selling their promises for the upcoming election in Australia as things that will boost the economy and help everyday Australians. The question is, will these promises make any difference in the long run? There has to be a certain suspension of disbelief of campaign promises no matter which party you vote for.
It is hard to bet on the 2022 Federal Election because both parties have enticing yet similar selling points, all the while trying to belittle each other in order to gain votes and stay in or claim power. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to Australian voters. Political parties all over the world use tactics to try to make their opponents appear greedy and mistrustful while claiming to be the beacon of light that will solve all of the nation’s current problems. Politicians have learned to dial it back a bit and make somewhat more realistic campaign promises but at the end of the day, people want to see results.
As it becomes more and more expensive to live in Australia, both main parties are going to have to do some major work to get the public on their side during the final days leading up to Australia’s federal election. People are sick and tired of paying exorbitant prices for basic necessities such as food and fuel, and both parties will need to put their money where their mouth is, regardless of who comes into or stays in power in 2022.
The Australian public wants results and positive outcomes to their current plight and this is where the major parties are going to have to step up and respect the needs of the people if they are going to take the win. The Australian people are looking for a party that will give them tangible and realistic solutions to the increasingly common cost of living dilemma which can be seen around the country. Whether it’s Liberal’s promises to increase subsidies for rising child care costs or Labour’s promise to reduce the gender pay gap, the public is looking for answers in the next term of leadership.
The Australian working class look up to their leaders, especially in times of turmoil, and with the recent string of natural disasters that have taken place around the country, the true colours of the Liberal Party of Australia have been shown. With the Australian Labour Party’s claims of greater support for the average Australian to manage the cost of living balance, this may just be enough to tip the scales in favour of new leadership for the country come election day in May.
Australia is a country that has been forged by its past leaders who have moulded it into what it is today. With all that has happened in the world over the past few years, it is imperative that whoever comes into power has the courage to steer the country forward towards a more balanced cost of living.