How To Combat Your Insomnia This Year

Insomnia is a sleep condition that affects people all around the world. Not getting enough sleep is severe and can seriously influence different areas in your life, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, there are solutions to get your sleep back on track. In this article, we go over some of the common approaches to treating insomnia and ways that you may help to relieve your sleep issues. To learn how to combat your insomnia this year, continue reading.
Make Your Sleep Environment Comfortable
Everyone needs a different sleep environment to drift off comfortably. Some people need a white noise machine and a weighted blanket, and others need linen blankets and cooling sheets. See what sleep environment most supports your sleep and make changes as needed to improve your chances of getting the sleep you deserve.
Consider Genetic Factors And Seek Medical Assistance
Insomnia is a horrendous sleep condition that can wreak havoc on your quality of life, especially if left untreated. There are many reasons that insomnia occurs, and some of these factors are out of our control. For instance, some people are genetically susceptible to insomnia and may have a more challenging time getting to sleep than most. In these cases, it might be helpful to speak with family members about what has worked for them in the past to resolve their insomnia and sleep-related issues. There may even be simple sleep remedies you can try that will do the trick.
Look Into Functional Medicine To Get Help
Individuals unable to manage their stress effectively may struggle with obsessive worry at night, making it difficult to stay asleep throughout the night. In other cases, insomnia is the result of excess stress and rumination. By working with a functional medicine practitioner, you may identify the root causes influencing your sleep and integrate natural supplements and remedies that can help you achieve the lasting restorative sleep you deserve.
Identify Root Causes And Talk To Your Doctor
To combat your insomnia this year, you’ll need to identify the possible causes of your sleep issues. Contact your primary care doctor to discuss your concerns and determine if underlying factors or the medications you are taking may be contributing to the issue. Try including visual tricks to help you wind down for sleep to see if excess light is a root cause. A sunset-mimicking alarm clock or moon lamp are two products that might help you wind down for sleep.
Create A Nightly Routine
Make the time before bed sleep-inducing so you may have an easier time getting to sleep. Set an intention to get a good night’s sleep when your head hits the pillow. Take a warm bath, drink chamomile tea, dim the lights, and spend a few moments journaling to wind down your day. All these simple practices can aid in your attempts to get rid of insomnia.
Change Your Counterproductive Lifestyle Habits
Lifestyle habits contributing to your distress, including drinking too much caffeine, eating too early before bed, and working out too late into the evening, are all common behaviors that can interrupt natural sleep cycles. Getting in touch with your circadian rhythms can be an effective way to remedy your sleep challenges. Consider getting on track with a schedule for waking and going to bed that you consistently follow.
The Bottom Line
Combating insomnia requires a commitment to the process. Multiple factors are likely continuing your sleep issues, and you may need the help of a trusted medical professional to resolve your sleep challenges. Be patient and trust that you’ll find the solution that works for you so you can get the rest you need.