How to Create an Influential Brand for Teenagers

A brand is a company’s corporate identity, the embodiment of its name and reputation. Thus, branding allows a company to create its unique style, which, in turn, increases the value of the product and helps to build long-term and trusting relationships with the audience. Today, large retail without branding is almost impossible.
Brands created specifically for teenagers, not so much, but this is not required, because teenagers today have a lot to choose from, “grabbing” favorite platforms and re-orienting them to suit themselves.
Teens today are a serious customer audience. While their expenses used to consist mostly of pocket money, today every video clip they watch on a video hosting site is converted into real income for the company.
A lot of businesses have their accounts on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, where Generation Z is constantly present, and to bring in clients and leads, specialists keep their hand on the pulse of the youth audience’s attention with the help of analytics, advertising, communications, and personal experience services.
Teenagers today practically live on the Internet, and the main area of their virtual habitat, of course – the social networks, especially those that specialize in visual content, because today’s thinking young people are mainly figurative. There is barely a teenager in the world, who doesn’t know what the instagram logo looks like. This means that they need appropriate advertising.
They set new consumption patterns and purchase products based on the opinions of modern bloggers, ticktockers, and streamers, in whose fields very serious investments from all spheres and business segments are spinning.
More and more brands are starting to use business promotion strategies on popular youth platforms, among which it is profitable for them to find teenage clients. After all, it is not enough just to run ads among the audience, it is necessary to make a competent digital strategy for promotion on each individual platform.
One of the most popular social platforms among teenagers today is TikTok. The main content of the network is short music videos, streamers, and flash mobs, which you can upload yourself through a simple video editor. It has a lot of effects, masks, filters, and transitions, and allows you to create interesting things, thanks to which you can get into the trend. The main entertainment in TikTok is to participate in mass challenges, and you don’t have to be popular and famous to do this.
The more classic online destination is, of course, YouTube. This streaming platform has millions of visits every day, and a significant part of its audience is you’d get than 18. The youtube logo has already become synonymous with after-school time for thousands of teenagers across the globe.
Other favorite social media platforms for youngsters are, of course, Snapchat, Likee, and Twitch. Facebook is less popular among teenagers, as it is more about the written content, not visual. But not only social media influence our kids. Celebrities, music bands, and fashion labels do too.
Let’s turn to K-pop music, for example. Posters and logos BTS, the mega-popular Korean boy-band, probably hang in the rooms of hundreds of thousands of girls and boys around the world. The idols instill in teenagers a certain style, taste in their music, patterns of behavior. So working with audiences through Influencers is becoming more and more popular with big brands today.
If your business specializes in teenagers, then you just need to delve into current trends, to be present at fashionable youth venues and all the main online platforms. Even if you do not initially position your brand as something “just for teenagers,” it can easily become so, because today they decide, not us.