How to Stay Sober and Healthy- 10 Practical Tips

A sober and healthy lifestyle can encourage positivity in your mind. But getting there is not straightforward if you’re recovering from a substance use disorder. Leading a sober and healthy life requires doing something to avoid a relapse. While relapsing might seem impossible, it’s common among individuals starting their recovery journey.
Sobriety means living without the influence of an addictive substance. But this word has varying meanings and implications depending on the context. For instance, some addiction treatment programs define sobriety as total abstinence without using the addictive substance ever.
In other places, the term means recovering and establishing coping habits and mechanisms for supporting long-term wellness and health. While every recovering addict’s goal is achieving total abstinence, they may face many setbacks. This article highlights practical tips to help you stay sober and healthy when recovering from an addiction. It describes strategies that you can implement to achieve long-term recovery.
- Attend Narcotic Anonymous Meetings
Recovering from addiction alone can quickly trigger a relapse. Therefore, joining or attending the nearest NA meeting (AddictionResource provides more info) can help you recover from an addiction. It’s an excellent way to stay connected with others who are going through the same thing as you are. It can be beneficial to hear other people’s stories and experiences and to have the support of others who understand what you’re going through.
- Be Honest With Yourself
According to drug addiction treatment principles, substance use disorder is a complex disease that affects brain behavior and function. However, it’s a treatable condition. Unfortunately, some people deny and try to hide the problem when their loved ones confront them.
Therefore, it’s essential to be honest about your addiction and recovery. And this means being open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If loved ones try talking to you about the problem, don’t chase them or escape from them. Instead, let them help you through your recovery journey.
- Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Taking care of your physical health is vital in recovery. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help you feel your best and stay on track in recovery. Also, learn to manage stress without turning to addictive substances. And this will support your recovery from addiction. Essentially, making healthy choices will improve your overall well-being. And this means paying attention to what you eat and drink and its impact on your health.
- Avoid Triggers
Certain things may trigger your desire to use drugs or alcohol. It’s crucial to be aware of your triggers and avoid them. Avoid things, people, and places that trigger you. That means first identifying and understanding what might trigger a relapse. If there are certain people, places, or some things that make you crave drugs or alcohol, stay away from them.
Perhaps, you can find an activity or hobby that you enjoy. Doing things that make you happy will undoubtedly help you stay sober and healthy while avoiding your triggers. Finding an activity or hobby that brings you joy can be a great way to cope with cravings and stress and prevent relapse.
- Get a Sponsor
A sponsor is someone who has been through the NA program and is there to guide you through it. They can support, advice, and help you stay on track. Your sponsor will call and convince you to attend NA meetings even when you’re at your lowest.
The NA program has 12 steps that help you recover from addiction. Working on the steps can help you make progress in your recovery and improve your overall well-being. Unfortunately, some people sometimes join the program and leave due to a lack of support and mentorship. For this reason, getting a sponsor is vital for anyone that wants to stay sober and healthy.
- Attend Therapy
Research has revealed that addiction is a complex issue and a disease. Luckily, professional addiction specialists can help addicts in recovery. Therapy can provide you with tools and insight to help you overcome addiction and build a healthy, sober life. Therefore, don’t stop attending therapy sessions if your doctor says you still need them.
- Be Patient
Addiction recovery is a process, and it can take time. It’s essential to be patient with yourself and give yourself credit for your progress. When starting, don’t make unrealistic goals because you will feel disappointed when you fail to accomplish them. Instead, be patient with your recovery process and reward you whenever you make a milestone.
- Persevere
Perhaps, you’ve tried to stay sober and healthy, but you always relapse after some time. Maybe that’s your reason for searching for phrases like the narcotics anonymous meetings near me. Realize and accept that recovery from addiction is not always easy, but it is possible.
Therefore, understand that you must persevere even when things are tough. Ideally, commit yourself to your sober and healthy. Only by persevering will you overcome triggers when they strike and proceed with your recovery journey.
- Manage Your Finances
When recovering from substance abuse disorders, most people have problems managing their finances. Also, they have difficulties meeting financial obligations at home and executing duties at work. Perhaps, that’s because most people develop financial problems during their active addiction.
Financial troubles and finding or maintaining employment can trigger a relapse. Therefore, focus on improving your finances, and know that you won’t improve overnight. If possible, talk to people that have recovered and overcome their financial problems to learn how they did it.
- Seek Help If You Relapse
Perhaps, you found this article after searching for “NA near me” online because you have relapsed. Maybe you feel guilty and can’t help with self-blame. Any recovering addict can relapse, which doesn’t make anyone a failure.
But if you find that you’ve relapsed, it’s crucial to seek help as soon as possible. And this could involve attending additional therapy or support groups or speaking to your sponsor or therapist. Relapse doesn’t mean that you’ve failed, but it’s essential to get back on track as soon as possible.
Follow these tips if you’re recovering from a substance use disorder to increase your chances of leading a sober and healthy life.