iOS vs Android: How to Choose the Right One for You

Modern technology can be hard to understand. What makes iOS different from Android and what even are they? These are no doubt questions you have asked yourself simply by virtue of being here. Despite how confusing technology can be the answers to these questions are very simple and the explanations of what these things are don’t require any real technical expertise to understand.
If you are wondering what iOS and Android are and want to know how to choose the right one for you, this post has you covered. Here is everything you need to know:
Brand Loyalty
People are loyal to certain brands. If you have only ever bought Apple products before then your loyalty will likely lie with that company; the same is true if you have never bought anything other than Android. A staggeringly large number of American citizens are loyal to Android. Statistics indicate loyalty in the United States is 71.62% for Android vs 27.73% for Apple’s market share, indicating more Americans are buying Android products than they are Apple ones. In other parts of the world, this is not the case, however, Apple is much more popular.
In order to make an effective purchase decision you need to think about your previous experiences with these companies. Individuals who have only ever purchased Apple products before will be better off continuing their relationship with the company and buying more products and new releases in the future. If you only know one brand then switching to another is just going to cause anxiety. Android devices can be complicated to use, especially for beginners. Consumers accustomed to Apple are highly likely to find Android interfaces confusing and even annoying at the very beginning, making it better for them to stick with Apple.
Device Aesthetics
As far as aesthetics go, Apple has the smartphone market cornered; there are no brands offering mobile devices as visually pleasing as Apple’s ones. If you have ever used one of their devices before then you will know this. Apple’s minimalist aesthetic is in part why it has achieved such a huge following in the United States and other parts of the world; the brand is represented by a simple Apple which features on all of its products and devices. It is the loading screen for all of the company’s devices. If aesthetics are of concern to you then the choice of obvious. No other brand can compete with Apple with regard to them.
Android is not as appealing, visually at least. This is because the brand was never meant to look good. The brand was instead a functional one, offering features not available on other devices at the time of its release. While the company behind it, have taken steps to try and compete with Apple and improve the brand’s overall aesthetics it hasn’t really worked. Nobody associates the brand with beauty or pleasant graphics. Even so, these devices do tend to be a lot better in terms of functionality and features which should be all that matters when it comes to buying a mobile device.
Overall Features
In terms of overall features, there is no way Apple can compete with Android. Android’s list of features is astonishingly long. Their devices can do so much more than Apple ones can. If you are planning on buying yourself a new smartphone and are struggling to choose between these two brands, then if features matter to you the choice is obvious. It is important to note that newer devices have much better features than older ones do. If you are new to the brand then you need to conduct extensive research and find out what features the specific device you are buying has.
Buying anything without first conducting research is a bad idea. If you do not research what you are buying then you can never be sure you are making a good decision. Money is tight for everybody right now. Taking steps to ensure you are getting a good deal on every purchase you make is the best way to make your money stretch. You should be able to get a full list of device features by visiting the brand’s website. Alternatively, you can reach out to their support department and mention you are struggling to determine whether or not a product’s for you and want to know more about it.
Speed and Performance
As for speed, Apple is the better choice. Apple’s devices are extremely fast there is no denying it. With that said, of course, Android’s more recent releases are still very fast just not as much as Apple’s. If you are buying a mobile device or pad to watch television shows or movies then speed is obviously something you should be looking for. Unless you buy a fast device you will not comfortably be able to enjoy the content you intend on viewing. Older Apple devices can be very slow so if speed is what you are after then try to buy a newer model. Newer releases can be more expensive but perform much better.
If you plan on buying a device on the used market then you must ensure you are covered by a warranty. Buying anything without a warranty can be a bad idea because you then have no legal protection or right to a refund or return. Only ever buy from verified used electronics sites, that offer buyer protection and guaranteed returns if consumers are unhappy with their purchases.
Consider Costs
The very last thing that you need to think about whenever you are looking for electronics is cost. Right now, electronics cost more than ever. This is in part due to rising inflation. If you do not take steps to save money then you could end up having to spend a fortune on your new mobile device. A good way to save money is to use coupons and discount codes. An alternative is to shop during the post-Christmas sale season. This is the best time of the year to save money on big electronic purchases. Another way of saving money is by buying used products. Always ensure that used products have been thoroughly restored and repaired before purchasing them.
Technology isn’t cheap; manufacturing and material costs are rising so product prices are as well. When you are searching for a new device it’s important to find the one that’s best so you get more for your money. Choosing between the offerings of Apple and Android can be difficult but is not impossible.