Professional Advice On Receding Hairlines

Throughout the course of our lives, there may come a time when we notice our hair is beginning to thin and recede. It can happen to both men and women, and it happens for a variety of different reasons, whether that’s due to the ageing process, or it’s simply genetics, passed down through your family. It can be a worrying time and can knock your confidence – but don’t worry, there are ways that you can improve your hairline for the better, whether that’s with a new haircut or a more permanent solution like the best hair transplant turkey. Read on for some expert advice!
Reasons for receding hairlines
As you age, you may notice that your hairline is starting to recede, and it can be stressful but try not to panic. There are various explanations for receding hairlines that are perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. For example, ageing is one of the most natural causes of hair loss, and many men and women will experience it as they get older. If you have a family history of hair loss or receding hair, you are more likely to suffer from it, as it’s in your genes. Lifestyle choices can also have an impact on your hairline, if you smoke, or follow an unhealthy diet, this can all have an impact on the health of your scalp and hair.
Some issues can cause hair loss that is not within your control, such as if you are taking certain medications that thin the hair or cause it to fall out. As well as certain illnesses and prolonged periods of stress. If you think this is why you’re losing your hair, it will most likely grow back in time.
Tips and tricks for receding hairlines
Of course, if you notice your hair is thinning or falling out it can be stressful, but there are things that you can do to make it work for you. From adding supplements and making changes to your diet, to more permanent solutions like hair transplants, there are ways that you can give your hair a boost. Here are a few tips to help you.
Choose the right hairstyle
Heading to your barber and asking for a style that can help to make your hair look thicker is the best place to start. There are certain hairstyles like short back and sides that can help your hair appear thicker and more luscious. Slicking your hair back, however, is not the best idea as it will show off your receding hairline and make it more prominent. If you have a thick beard, this can help to take the focus off your receding hairline and is in fashion! Use this to your advantage to create a modern look away from your hair.
Consider Supplements
As we mentioned above, receding hairlines can take place if your diet doesn’t contain all the vitamins and minerals you need. If you’re not deficient in vitamins, supplements and dietary changes won’t work for you – but give them a go on your journey to restoring your hairline as it might just be the cause. B vitamins are one of the most important when it comes to healthy hair and scalp. They help carry oxygen and essential nutrients to your scalp – biotin is especially important for hair growth. An iron deficiency is common and could be causing hair loss, so trying iron supplements could be helpful when it comes to restoring your hair.
Hair transplants
If you’ve tried everything and your receding hairline is getting you down, you could always opt for a hair transplant. These procedures take healthy follicles from a donor site on the scalp, which is then grafted to the thinning or bald areas of the head. The procedure is simple, and downtime is minimal. A hair transplant is a permanent way of restoring your hair, that takes minimal maintenance – you simply look after it as you would the rest of your hair. A transplant can be a great idea when it comes to restoring your hair, and your self-confidence.