Twin Screw Extruder Machine: All Pros and Cons You Should Know

According to a report, in 2022, the global twin screw extruder machine market was evaluated to be around $700.27 million. And now, it is expected to hit a colossal spike of over $930.29 million by the end of 2028. All this growth is anticipated at a CAGR of 4.14% during the forecasted period of 2021-2028.
These astounding stats are evident enough to explain the wave of innovation that has taken every technology by storm and is stimulating them to get transformed to explicitly meet the current market demands of the users. As a result, many machines have already begun to undergo the process of modification to stay abreast in the marathon of modernization, especially twin screw extruder machines.
Nowadays, the outcome of the twin screw extruder machine has been so extraordinarily prodigious that it has won worldwide appreciation and recognition, which has markedly increased its popularity among the people to another level. Thus, this article will guide you to learn more about the twin screw extruder machine.
What are the Pros of the Twin Screw Extruder Machine?
Besides high output and high efficiency, there are numerous perks that an advanced twin screw extruder machine is capable of providing. Among them, here are some advantages that many industries have been making the most of lately:
- Continuous Production
The twin screw extruder machine can execute a flawless continuous production process rather than producing separate batches. The high-speed twin screw extruder machine makes it possible for various raw materials to be blended comprehensively during the ongoing production cycle. Thus, a large production quantity can be easily attained within a short lead time without compromising the quality standards of the final products.
- Decrease the Production Cost
On the one hand, the strong wear reluctance and less mechanical maintenance requirements also add to its lower expense and higher affordability. On the other hand, traditional twin screw extruder machine devices require excessive cleaning substances to wipe out the heated material that pours all over the place during the mixing stage of the cycle. However, the modern split twin-screw design saves you money and trouble with comfortable cleaning alternatives as a quick solution.
- Simple Control System
When it comes to the control system of the latest twin screw extruder machine technology, it is engineered with a design that is easy to operate and allows quick access to functions with complete automation. Meanwhile, the integrated software applications enable the extruder machine manufacturer to alter designs, add color variations, and process complex high viscosity elements or even heat-sensitive materials with great precision.
What are the Cons of the Twin Screw Extruder Machine?
Every machine has a downside; the same goes for the twin screw extruder machine. Though it comes with plenty of factors that make it supreme over other extrusion equipment, there are some limitations or drawbacks that you should be aware of before making any decisions:
- Higher Initial Price
The first catch, which can probably get you off guard, is the capital expenditure required for the closing deal of the purchase. The high-end primary cost of the twin screw extruder machine is the ultimate snag that will make you fall short. Nevertheless, this expensive investment can be compensated with long-term usage. Its low maintenance expenses can turn the fortune you had paid with durable and premium quality products of various ranges exquisitely.
- Prone to Wear Conditions
Another pitfall in the twin screw extruder machine technology is that the high torque and robust speed can sometimes cause mechanical issues like excessive friction during higher workloads. However, these wear reluctance complications can be prevented by buying the twin screw extruder machine from a reliable extruder machine manufacturer in the first place. It is because a reliable manufacturer will use top-tier quality materials to produce twin screw extruder machines.
The Best Twin Screw Extruder Machine Manufacturer You Should Know
After counting down a couple of substantial benefits along with a few of the flaws found in the twin screw extruder machine, it is clear that apart from a handful of drawbacks, there are many pros to this latest twin screw extruder machine offers. It’s high time to find one and get partnered up to secure some state-of-the-art plastic sheet extrusion machines.
While speaking of a master extruder machine manufacturer, nothing can top Boyu’s skill and outstanding experience of more than two splendid decades in the business. With more than 90 technical patents under its belt, Boyu has been manufacturing special SPC flooring equipment and other PVC production line equipment at an advanced level of dexterity.
That’s why their produced machinery, which includes twin screw extruder machines, plastic sheet extrusion machines, and similar flooring production lines, has been exported to many different countries of the world in high demand. Manifestly, Boyu is well-equipped to deliver your customized orders to your doorstep using their strong resources of a global supply chain network that can even resolve your import clearance issues if needed. Thus, contact Boyu now to get something more.