Blockchain can be a powerful tool in elections

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In this post, we will take an in-depth look at how blockchain could be more effective than traditional voting methods and the benefits of using such a powerful tool with such far-reaching applications as voting.
1. Incentivize Participation
The idea behind blockchain is that every entity involved in the system can be incentivized and will receive a reward based on their contribution to the system. Everyone receives something in return, so no one feels like they are contributing without being rewarded for it, and everyone is incentivized to participate in the best way possible.
In an election, each vote cast will be tied by people to an IP address, which can be tracked and verified against an individual or organization that has been permitted to vote. This way, if someone voted multiple times or illegally voted for someone else, they would have reason to believe that people could discover their identity, and legal repercussions could follow.
2. Minimize Manipulation
Since every vote is tied to an IP and can be tracked, manipulating election results becomes next to impossible. As mentioned above, each vote cast can be verified by the user against a specific address on the blockchain, so keeping track of vote counts isn’t as simple as they make it seem on TV. However, even if the number of votes doesn’t match up with the number of votes received by a candidate, it will be elementary to verify that those voters were counted. Furthermore, because election results are transparent, we would know exactly how many people were voting for each candidate and how many did not participate in that election.
It includes single-issue or reform candidates and third-party groups who couldn’t get their message out. This transparency would be a powerful tool in an election, allowing voters to know who they were voting for and allowing the people choosing those candidates to be confident in the integrity of those elections.
Blockchain can help solve this issue by providing voters with a direct line of contact with candidates, their parties, or organizations. Voters would have a straightforward way to contact and find out details about such individuals or groups without leaving their computers or mobile devices. It could include questions about policy positions, issues that are important to them, etc.
1. Eliminate Voter Intimidation
Whenever you cast your vote in an election, you let everyone know how you feel about a particular candidate, issue, or issue group. It is no different online, including on social media and websites. The fact of the matter is that there is no way to stop people from saying that they voted for a particular candidate because they dislike their policies or disagree with them on other issues. However, with blockchain technology, people can solve this problem by allowing everyone to prove their identity where they live and what address they live at without any restrictions.
2. Greater Accessibility and Security
One of the most significant changes that will come as a result of blockchain technology becoming integrated into our lives is how both individuals and businesses will be able to secure their data, assets, and information in a way that has never been possible before. It is true in the case of elections as well. Companies could administer elections through blockchain voting, and all ballots kept in a digital ledger that is secure, transparent, and connected to the internet. It would allow voters to participate in elections from anywhere, anytime.
3. Reduce Election Fraud
If companies used blockchain for voting in an election, there would be no way for a person or party to falsify the results of an election even if they wanted to. Blockchain would prevent counting illegitimate votes, manipulating those votes after they were cast, and tampering with ballots before they even get cast by people who shouldn’t have voted.
4. Prevent Voter Intimidation
It is a genuine possibility that some people will not be satisfied with their choices in an election and will try to intimidate others into voting for them or a particular party by interfering in the election process in other ways. Implementing blockchain voting and elections can prevent anyone from saying or doing anything that leaves an impression of how they voted. Furthermore, we can collect all the data from voters after an election to see who is casting their vote, how they are doing so, and why they might be voting one way or another.
Companies could also use blockchain to inform voters about who voted for them in previous elections and decisions made by elected officials.